
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Yes, I Am a Novel Creation

 I’m sitting at my computer struggling with this week’s topic for the blog. I named the blog: “A Novel Creation” for two reasons. The first was my idea and is rather weak. The second idea was, in a way, revealed to me by God. Much later. 

I’ll start with the first. 

When I decided to turn my attention to becoming a published author, I attended a conference at Wheaton College in Illinois. I was there to learn what I needed to do to publish. Actually, I already knew the first step was to write something. Before the conference I began crafting my first novel.

At that conference in 2012, I heard over and over again I needed to write a blog. I didn’t even know what a blog was, much less anything about writing one. I started to research “blog” and bumped into work by Jeff Goins challenging writers to write. 

I was one of the early members of a Facebook group emerging from that work called “My 500 Words.” Through his work I learned about blogging. The goal was to write at least 500 words every day.

I needed a name for my blog. I was writing my first novel, so I called the blog, A Novel Creation. Clever, huh? Not really, but my goal at that time was to share everything I was learning about crafting a book with others interested in doing the same thing. 

It’s a small pool. Actually, I run into many people who talk about writing a book, but getting down to it is another thing.

Anyway, that was the beginning of A Novel Creation. I posted my first blog entry the day after Christmas, December 26, 2012. I trudged along with the weekly posts. Most of them were aimed at taking people along on my writing journey.

My first novel released at the end of March 2014. The end of October, that same year, my husband of forty-three years died  after a bicycle accident. 

I actually had most of the November and December posts already waiting in the wings, but there is a definite difference in the posts when, as a widow, I began writing for the blog again. I came to recognize the blog was no longer about crafting a book. It was about me.

I am a novel creation. I am a woman created by God and fitted for a unique path in life.

I kept the blog going, though I have often referred to losing Tom as “the moment the ink ran out of my pen.” I worked at living. I traveled to India, moved to a new house, moved to a different country, and crafted a blog that followed the life I was now muddling through. 

In April of 2023, I married a man I’ve known since junior high. We graduated from high school together. Mike Tyler is a good man. He makes me smile. I feel his love every day. And…Mike encourages me in my writing. Now? I checked. I just hit my 500 words!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Secret of Rainbow River

 “A Chill in the Water!”


Lessons Drawn From the Rainbow River”


My first trip to Rainbow River in Dunnellon, Florida was as a teen. The spring-fed water is icy cold even on the hottest day of the year. I understand the water travels underground from the Appalachian Mountains. The river is only seven miles long and as clear as a pane of glass. 

 You  cannot “ease” your way into the water. “Easing in” is akin to cutting off your toe a sliver at a time. Simply Excruciating. No. You must make the commitment and jump in.

 The ice-cold water surrounds you. It nearly takes your breath away, but you quickly adapt. 

 The current is strong, so most people bring or rent innertubes to float down the river, the fish swimming happily beneath them. Fish in that river are hard to catch because they can see absolutely everything …hook, line, and sinker.

This past week I had the opportunity to visit the river. Mike and I took a drive up there and stopped in at our favorite restaurant, The Front Porch. The food and service are wonderful, but whenever I mention The Front Porch to folks in Citrus County (and beyond) the first words out of their mouths are usually, “Oh…the pies!” 

Yep, their pies are great. Award winning, even. And if you watch Tampa news stations, you’ll often see the restaurant featured because of…their pies. And just for perspective, Tampa is two counties and a few hours away.

I digress. I could write an entire blog post on the restaurant, but this post is about what I’ve learned from the Rainbow River. 


The Rainbow River is a Good Guide Along the Path of Life. 

1)        Take the plunge. Go for it. Be it a new job opportunity, a new relationship, or a trip you’ve always dreamed of taking but put on the back burner…go for it. Be all in. Change can be challenging, but I’ve learned through the years that God wired us to adapt to new circumstances and surroundings. Those new experiences help us grow confidence and positive self-esteem. 


2)        That said…don’t forget the innertube. Your safety net. Those are the people close to you. Your family, dear friends, and trustworthy coworkers. They are there to support you as you make a change in your life and pull you out of the current if you need a little help. A little help.


3)        Enjoy the ride. We can get so busy treading water in life…trying to keep our heads above the surface, we miss the beauty of our surroundings. Our routines take over. We look up one day and, with a sigh, say “I wish I had…”  or “I wonder what my life would look liked if…” You  get the idea.


4)        Finally, if you find yourself in Florida and a sign pops up directing you to Dunnellon, get off the tourist trap interstate and meander through the countryside of Marion County. Visit Rainbow Springs at the head of the river. And…if you feel a bit adventurous, don your swimsuits and take a guide boat up the river.  Jump in the cold water. After your float, head south on US Highway 41. Stop in at The Front Porch and indulge in a piece of pie. As they say: Put a little South in your Mouth.

(P.S. Tell them Becky Sent You)





Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Summer Olym-pups

While millions watched the summer games

played out in Paris on television, Mike and I

enjoyed our own summer Olympic champions

as they performed here.


Roxy came out on top in three major events.

She won the gold in “squirrel chasing without

harming a single squirrel.” She also placed

first in the “barking and bouncing at the same

time” event. And although the competition

was tough, Roxy landed on top with the “most 

drool in a single dinner session.”


It should be noted that Roxy was disqualified in one of the eating events for eating her opponent’s food before eating her own.

Honeybee was not to be outdone, going for the

gold in protecting Mike from Becky and winning

by a landslide. Although she failed to keep

Becky from entering Mike’s office, (Becky was

able to pass her by without even a nip) she 

tried… whereas Roxy allowed full entry to

Mike’s office without a whimper. Honeybee also

reached the top podium in meatloaf devouring,

though that was a close match. Roxy won the

silver in that one.


Most notably, in the spirit of fair play,

Honeybee was able to coach Roxy in daily

napping. The two tied for the gold in that


Graded on form and presentation, Honeybee

wins the top honors for regal beauty while 

Roxy claims highest marks on pure cuteness. 

And the cat? Tiki turned her nose up at the

foolishness of the dog’s daily antics. She

merely strolled off, stretched, yawned and

curled up assuring all spectators she

regarded the dogs as non-contestants in her

view of the animal world.



Tuesday, August 6, 2024



I’ve known a few “Debby’s" in my life. It was a popular name for my generation. Probably because of an actress named Debby …or was it Debbie…Reynolds. However you spell it, there were always multiple Debby’s in my classes from first grade through high school.

This blog isn’t actually about those friends. It is about the hurricane by the same name. 

My High School Friend
Debby Westlake
Shared This "Hurricane Selfie"
for This Week's Post.
Thank You, Debby!

Growing up in Florida I often heard old timers say, “What we need right now is a good hurricane.” I didn’t get it. I guess “a good hurricane” fills the lakes, waters the plants, and cools the air.

It does seem the hurricanes today hit harder and wreak more havoc. Of course, in the last fifty years there have been many changes to the Florida landscape. Now I see fewer orange groves and open fields. It seems our newest state products are condominiums, HOA planned communities, and theme parks. 

Maybe we just see more devastation because there is more in the storm’s path. 

When Hurricane Debby headed up the west coast of Florida this weekend, Mike and I watched the weather reports tracking the storm system as it left the Caribbean and gained strength in Gulf waters. We watched the news channel as residents along the coast, lined up in their cars to collect bags filled with sand.  

We weren’t particularly worried…just interested. 

We do have friends who live on the Gulf and have lived there for many years. They’ve never been hit by a hurricane. We haven’t either, but we are all still watchful. That is the prudent way to live. Being watchful.

Mike and I live inland, but on a lake. Weather reports indicated we would have plenty of rain. Fortunately, the Fish and Game Commission keeps an eye on the water table of our lake and do what they can to make sure we avoid flooding in our area. Strategically placed “flood locks” were opened in some areas and closed in others.

The rains were to hit on Sunday. Mike and I went to church under clear skies, but of course, the rain started as we left church and headed to a car dealership to pick up our truck. By the time we arrived back at our house, the rain was steady. 

Our house has a metal roof, so the sound was actually restful.

 The rain came down all afternoon. Our dogs weren’t too happy, but they were good girls. They braved the wet grass when there was a break in the weather so they could do their business.  

As night fell, the rhythm of the rain lulled us into a deep and satisfying sleep. 

We woke to learn Hurricane Debby had made landfall nearly100 miles north of us in Steinhatchee, Florida and was heading east across the state. As I write this, I know Hurricane Debby isn’t finished yet. And yes, there will be more storms coming.We are early in the hurricane season. 

Hurricanes are part of nature. 

My heart aches for those who lost loved ones in the storm and for those whose homes and businesses have been destroyed. 

Debby is a good reminder to always be prepared, be watchful, and  be thankful. 

But isn’t that the message of how we should live…in season and out of season? Be Prepared? Be Watchful? Be Thankful?