I have enjoyed writing ever since second grade when my
teacher liked one of my stories so much she had it published in the school
newspaper. I have stacks of notebooks and scraps of paper with stories or ideas
for stories scribbled on them.
I have lists of names of people and places I like or have
found intriguing with the intent to use the names one day in my writing. For
example, we have a veterinarian in Cincinnati named Steele Mattingly. What a
great name. Or how about the road in Columbus named Needmore Road? I can just
imagine some farmer standing there saying, “We need more road.”

I have written numerous professional papers (including a
master’s thesis and a doctoral dissertation). I published educational articles
and submitted proposals and reports to the state as part of my job at
Cincinnati Christian University (CCU).
I Wanted to Write a

I recently looked back on some notes I took at a one day
writing seminar in the early 1980’s. Publishers were begging for Christian
I thought I could do that, but God always seemed to have something
else in mind at the time. I thought His plan was for me to experience more in
life. Grow spiritually. Or perhaps, God intended for me to focus on raising my daughters,
teaching my students, and bringing the teacher education program to CCU. Maybe.
Maybe not.
As most of you know, I am in the process of editing and
revising my first novel. I feel blessed to have been given a contract for it. I
am excited about the publication. I am learning more and more about ways to
strengthen my own writing as well as the ins and outs of the publishing
business. All of that is good, but I think I am finally understanding why God
waited to give me this opportunity at this time in my life.
Why God Had Me Wait
He was waiting for computer technology to be refined to meet
my writing needs.
No, I do not think I am the center of the universe. God did
not put this sort of technology into someone’s brain just for me. But He knows
He knows, for instance that if I had to rely on writing
everything out longhand, I would create wonderful stories nobody could read. I
sometimes can’t decode my own script ten minutes after I jot something down
with a pen or pencil. And if you don’t believe me, just ask one of my former
college students about my handwriting.
He also knows I abhor typewriters. If I accidently hit the
wrong letter on a typewriter I would sit for hours thinking of a new word that
would fit in my sentence rather than use correction tape or whiteout. And
because my handwriting is so illegible, I could never have anyone else type for
Dictate you say? No. God knows me there, too. He knows I
think best when I see the words on the page. I ramble when left to “tell” the
story. Again, my students can confirm this. Okay, okay….my husband would agree
to the rambling part, too.
Nope. God gave me the desire to write and He gave me lots of
opportunities to practice over the years. But to take on a novel? He waited
until I had the computer technology to draft, save, check spelling, revise, cut
and paste, find and replace, move, change the font, revise some more, add text in the middle of a
page, cut text from the middle of the page, save again, email my editor, print
only selected portions, write some more and revise some more. Hit send.
Thank you, God. Your timing is always best.