Monday, December 31, 2012

Ready? Set? Write!

Have you always wanted to write a novel? Me too.  So, last year I did just that. I sat down and put pen to paper, so to speak, and crafted my first novel. I call it Breathing on Her Own. Of course it is presently in the hands of my publisher, so that could change. I'll share more about that book later.

Now I’m ready to start my next novel. I have decided to create this blog so others can join me on the journey.

In a way, this idea has its roots in my writing group. During those meetings, I would share bits and pieces of what I was doing and learning along the way while drafting my first book. I shared the obstacles I encountered, the research I had completed, and the questions still unanswered in my story. I talked about what my characters were doing and let my writing group read sections of text for comment. Writing is a process. It is sometimes a little messy, but fun.

This time I am inviting you to join me. Who knows? Maybe we will both learn something along the way.

Ready? Set? Let's Write!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Who is Rebecca Waters?

Rebecca Waters- (reh-BEH-kuh  wa-ters)

Woman, Daughter, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Christian

Writer, Teacher, Speaker, Believer

Becky, Mom, Grandma, Dr. Waters, His Child

Woman, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Christian As a professor at Cincinnati Christian University I had the opportunity to engage several helpful professional development experiences. One such training session was aimed at helping us as educators understand diversity. We were each asked to generate a list of words that define us. Woman, Wife, Mother, Daughter, and Christian were on my list. Before the leader of the session asked us to share our lists, he made a few predictions. He said to look at the top five words we had listed. He predicted not one person in the room had mentioned race. He was speaking to an all white audience. And he was right. He looked at me and the only other female professor in the room and predicted that we had written "woman" in our top five and none of the men had written "man" as one of their top five descriptors. Again, he was right.

The leader of this session went on to explain that we tend to include in our descriptors those characteristics of our lives we have had to defend; those descriptors we perceive as marginalizing us in our society. It was an interesting exercise.

However, I believe God made me the person I am for a reason. I celebrate the fact I am a woman. I take joy in being a wife, mother, and daughter and now a grandmother. And above all, I praise God I am a Christian, a believer in Christ Jesus

I always felt my teaching was a ministry. I taught for nineteen years in public schools before going into higher education. I taught a little over fourteen years as a professor of education at Cincinnati Christian University.

Through it all though, I have always been a writer. I see writing as both a gift and a ministry. While I was in the field of professional education I was able to publish in professional journals.  Now God has opened a new door. I am writing the stories I love to read. I am turning my pen (or in this case, my keyboard) to fiction and children’s books. I am also trusting God as I take on freelance writing assignments. My most recent nationally published articles may be found in Chicken Soup for the Soul: the Power of Positive and the Home Health Aide Digest. In 2013 I will have two articles in The Lookout Magazine, published by Standard Publishing.

My first novel, Breathing on Her Own, is scheduled for publication later in 2013. It is being published by Lighthouse of the Carolinas and will be available through

My blog A Novel Creation launches January 1, 2013. Join me on the journey of writing my second novel. ( And yes, you do see two "a's" in that address!

For more information about speaking engagements, contact me at