I have been in the field of education for a long time.
Before I decided to turn my pen to writing novels, I wrote professional
education pieces and more lesson plans than I can count. I’ve been around long
enough to see the recursive nature of curriculum development. I left my
position at Cincinnati Christian University just as the National Common Core
Standards were beginning to become part of the everyday language of teachers
and teacher education departments. And, “no,”
to the teachers out there who are wondering if I left because of the common core. As I said, I have been in the field
long enough to see curriculum swing, spiral, and spin. Change seems to be the
only constant in education.
So what does this have to do with writing a novel? Out of
curiosity, I began searching the internet for ways teachers are teaching
writing and/or literacy using the common core standards. I found numerous
references to tools such as story maps and timelines, topic summaries as well
as summarizing a story in a sentence or two, and charts to help students
develop characters. I also saw suggestions for teachers to have children draw
pictures of the story first or at least a picture that gives an overview of the
story as a whole. And revision? There are numerous suggestions out there for
both revising and editing.
These are tools I have used in my writing and even
referenced in this blog on many occasions.
Story maps and timelines? Check out “Making the Calendar Work for
You” (posted January 8, 2013) Use old calendar pages to help students map their
stories sequentially.
Summaries? See “The Single Sentence Story” (posted January 1,
2013) Boil the story down to a single sentence. And lately I’ve been reading
movie descriptors or television program entries. The writer for these clips
packs the entire movie in one sentence. Powerful!

Draw pictures of the overview of the story? Been there, done
that. See “Write the End of the Story First? You Have Got to be Kidding”
(posted April 24, 2013)
Revision? Take a look at “Writing and Trash” (posted March 12,
2013) Note: I differentiate between revising and editing. Revising has to do
with structural changes or changes with ideas and concepts. Editing is fixing
the mechanics. Editing is something I do as a go along, but mostly when I
reread my entire manuscript.
Those are just a few examples. Hmmm. I am writing along with
the common core? Or could it possibly be that the Common Core is based on good
writing practices? I think if I were teaching in a middle childhood classroom
or in a high school setting, I might try to have my students write a book one semester.
Start with a single sentence, create a timeline, draw a picture of the story
they hope to tell, develop a spreadsheet for the characters, and write, revise,
then write some more.
I am no longer in the classroom. I am a writer. I have just finished my second novel. Well, I have the story line complete. It is a little over 67,000 words. I held 80,000 as a goal, but the story came to its natural conclusion at 67,000. Now the real fun begins, and with it the focus of my blog. I will
need to change the focus to the art of revising…and editing…and
rewriting…and…well, you get the idea.
On another note, I am having a crazy but fun week. Can't wait to tell you all about it next week!
On another note, I am having a crazy but fun week. Can't wait to tell you all about it next week!
Reading this reminds me how important flexibility in education has become. Online learning does feel like a natural evolution, considering life and balancing school. Services like Take My Online Class have been very instrumental in helping me get through the changes. It's comforting to know others also see just how challenging and rewarding this evolution can be. Curriculum shifts may keep educators on their toes, but they're crucial for growth.