I am a list making, goal setting, day planner kind of girl.
I am. I love mapping out a course of action to get everything on my list
completed. It dawned on me that next week I will post the first blog entry for
the month of October. I am only three months away from my one year anniversary
as a blogger.
Time to make a list. Time to set some goals. Time to open up
the calendar and map out the last three months of 2013. As a result, I have decided
to share with you my goals as a writer for the next three months. It’s a risky proposition. Making my objectives
public makes me even more accountable to get the job done.
Why write these now?
Somehow, I think drafting goals now is even more important
and productive than making a set of resolutions at the beginning of the
year. The time frame is short. I am more likely to hang in there and finish
what I start. Also, without a plan, it would be easy to get caught up in Fall
activities, Thanksgiving preparation, and everything Christmas.
With all of that said, I present to you…(insert the drumroll
in your head here) my end of the year writing goals! Ta-Da!
Finish edits and revisions for Breathing on Her Own
Draft two short stories related to my characters
in Breathing on Her Own
Finish and submit two stories to Chicken Soup for the Soul “Living with Alzheimers
and Other Dementias” (Due October 15)
Revise Livvie’s Cuppa Joe using everything I’ve
learned through Breathing on Her Own
Keep up my blog
Draft two more short stories related to my
characters in Breathing on Her Own

Revise and edit the two children’s books I have
Research conferences aimed at writing for
Read blogs by writers of picture books
Keep up my blog
Draft two more short stories related to my
characters in Breathing on Her Own
Draft two stories for Chicken Soup for the Soul “The Dog Did What?” (Due Jan 5, 2014)
Work with my critique group to polish my picture
Outline my third novel—my writing project for
Keep up my blog
A Closer Look
Short Stories Related
to My Characters in Breathing on Her Own
I want to write a series of short stories featuring the
characters in my book. I want to publish the stories on a blog site so readers
can begin to get to know my characters. I have already started writing the
stories. I am planning for one a week for eight weeks prior to the release of
my book. A real benefit of this for me is that it is keeping me grounded in the story as I edit.
What do you think? Would you like to meet Molly and Travis?
Chicken Soup for the
I have listed two Chicken
Soup for the Soul submissions for each month. I have been using their
topics list to practice my writing. I can’t always write about everything they
put out there, but I try to think of real stories from my life to write at
least one or two entries a month. Do they get published? Actually yes. And no.
I have had two stories accepted. That’s great, but not the point. I take the
each topic as an assignment with a deadline. When I think I’ve hit on a good
story, I submit it. The regular exercise keeps my writing muscle in shape. The
other benefit is that I get to write about real life situations I have
experienced. Not just the fictional ones I create for the characters in my

Children’s Books
Ahh…children’s books. No, that did not come out of nowhere.
I worked in the field of education for…well…let’s just say a long time. I have
three daughters and seven grandchildren. I love picture books. I always thought
I would write books for children when I retired from education. God had a
different plan. I am not ready to give up writing the novels I believe He wants
me to write, but I have two stories I believe need to be completed.
Oh, and the goal about keeping up my blog? That one is easy.
I look forward to it.
What goals do you
have to finish out 2013?
Yes, I know I will have a few other writing tasks along the way, L, but that is exactly why I needed to outline a month-by-month plan to make sure I get these projects done. I can be such a procrastinator!