what is left out of it.” --Mark Twain
I’ve been working with my editor to ready my first novel for
publication. Most of my chapters have been around nine or ten pages long. I
didn’t really notice chapter length until my editor pointed it out.
Then I hit Chapter 11 –no, not financial bankruptcy. If you
read my blog last week you may have guessed I am speaking of running out of
words. Nope, not that either. This had to do with surplus. This week it was a
surplus of words. The overuse of meaningless description.
Thirty-three pages of discourse crammed into one chapter.
Thirty-three pages of discourse crammed into one chapter.
I decided I suffer from a disorder prominent among emergent
My name is Rebecca and I am an Over Writer.
I can see everything about the story in my mind’s eye and I want
to include it all. If my character goes to the store, I feel compelled to tell
my reader why she went, how she got there, what she is going to buy and who is
taking care of the children while she is away. I wind up describing the store,
the winters in Ohio, the date written on the calendar. Everything. I take two pages to say, in essence:
Leaving the children
behind with her frail grandmother, Becky made her way to the store over the icy
roads. Her small car slid into the parking lot and came to a stop near the door
of the nearly deserted supermarket. Becky prayed the shelves would not be void
of the milk and medicine she needed for her family.
I am learning a new lesson in trusting my readers to read
between the lines. I don’t have to tell them ever little detail. Sometimes
those bits of information are necessary. Sometimes they interfere with keeping
the story moving.
Who cares if it is February 16? Do you really need to know
her full grocery list? How many cars are in the parking lot? That it is 8:00AM
or 8:00PM? The reader doesn’t need to be bogged down with meaningless details,
only those elements that serve to move the story along.
Learn About Writing
Through Reading
I am currently reading a novel based on a true story. It is
a sweet account of a budding romance between a young couple a few weeks before
Pearl Harbor is bombed and their brief marriage before he goes off to war and
ultimately dies on the battlefield.
I appreciate some of the details the author has included to
inform me about life during that era. However, I find myself skimming those
details not essential to the story. I don’t need to know the layout of the
stores in town. I don’t need to know the names of roads unless they hold
meaning to the story. Those details may be interesting to someone who lived in
that area at that time, but not to most readers.
Lesson learned. I do not want my readers tuning out.
The Task at Hand
I returned to Chapter 11 of my book and started cutting,
tightening, moving, reorganizing, and rewriting. The reworking of this chapter
led to reworking Chapters 12 and 13 as well.
I am taking this lesson to my current work. I am going
through my story set in Door County and trying to clean it up. I cannot
guarantee I will not over write again. It is in my DNA.

Where do you find
your support?
I am joining American Christian Fiction Writers. They offer online critique groups, free tutorials on writing and much more. What a great deal for $65 a year. Think about your genre. Look at national organizations available to you for online support or regional gatherings.
ReplyDeleteI think we're all guilty of this at some point. I've uses a lot of back story and description that wasn't necessary and thanks to my editor, I've learned to cut back. With my current WIP, I'm attempting something new. Each scene is a chapter instead of one chapter with multiple scenes. I've heard of an author who does this (I forget his name and I've never read any of this books so I can't think of who it is).
ReplyDeleteAnd for someone like me, who loves to gab, making each scene a maximum of say 4-5 pages is a challenge but it's doable. :)
I belong to several online groups of authors, and I find all my support with these people who are filled with encouragement and knowledge about writing.
Blessings. Renee-Ann <><
Deletei appreciate your openness. How does the saying go? "Admitting you have a problem is half the battle" (LOL) You are a wonderful writer. I think we all suffer from this. I praise God for wonderful editors who do not change our voice, only our excessive verbiage! Thanks for the comment.