Island of the Blue
Dolphins by Scott O’Dell is a story of survival. Twelve-year-old Karana
finds herself alone on an island when most of the tribe to which she belongs is
killed and the rest leave. I was thinking about this book as I worked
with my editor revising Breathing on Her
Own. You’ll see why. But it also made me think about a few lessons in
storytelling I learned from Scott O’Dell. Well, sort of.
Lesson #1 Remember
what you already wrote.
A few weeks ago my editor wrote a note
along the side of one of my manuscript pages that made me laugh out loud.
Let me set the scene. I had written a
description of the house where my character lives. In the scene I drafted for
this particular chapter I wrote something like –“…, when the children were
upstairs washing their hands for dinner.”
Nothing particularly bad about sending the kids upstairs to wash their
hands. Except Bethany Kaczmarek+, who doesn’t miss anything, asked, “Why did the kids go
upstairs? I thought they had a half bath on the main floor.”
What does this have to do with Scott
For years I read Island of the Blue Dolphins aloud to my primary aged students. We
would reach the part where Karana decides to build a house. Resources on the
island are scarce. O’Dell makes a big deal of it. Before reading on, I would
ask my students to come up with ideas for building Karana’s house. Year after
year they would suggest rocks and mud, or using the bushes or roots to
construct a dwelling. O’Dell himself had Karana use the ribs of whales for a
fence and constructed her house against a rock cliff.

Only two chapters previous to this
predicament, Karana had gone to where her village people had stored canoes. There
were four of them, all made of wood. Karana took the smallest one to try to
leave the island. Lisa suggested Karana retrieve the wood from the three
remaining canoes and build her house. Not bad for a six-year-old.
Lesson #2 It is possible to write in first person. But
if that doesn’t work, get as close as you can.
Of course I knew this. I have read novels
written in first person before. Not often. O’Dell brought me so close to
Karana, I could feel her muscles tense or smell the sea water. I think that is why I am so intrigued by
“close third person.” (see my post dated
8/21/13 ) I want my readers to experience the same emotions I put my characters
Lesson #3 Know
where the story is going and make sure it won’t be a cakewalk to get there.
I know where I am heading with my story
before I write it. Yes, I may add to it and I will certainly refine it as I go,
but I think it is important to have a storyline mapped out complete with plenty
of tension. I want my characters to experience a few problems along the way.
O’Dell threw us into one crisis after
another from the start. I wasn’t prepared for all of it. Actually, the first
time I read the book was to a group of second graders. I failed to read it for
myself first. Early in the book, Karana’s brother Ramo is killed by wild dogs.
I couldn’t believe it! I started crying and struggled to get through the
chapter. By the time I finished, I had twenty seven-year-olds surrounding me,
patting me on the back and offering words of comfort. “It’s okay, Mrs. Waters.
It’s just a book.”
I was prepared the next year when I read it
to my children. As I said earlier, I read this story for many years to children in my class.
The school librarian once said to me, “I
can always tell which fifth graders had you for first or second grade. They all
want to read Island of the Blue Dolphins
for themselves.”
Oh…And Lisa? She's now a high school
physics teacher. Like I said --one smart cookie.
Next Post: Benefits
of Blogging
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