News Alert: Check out on American Christian Fiction Writers website this week! I am the featured author in an interview. Wow! "Who woulda thunk it?" Here is the link: ACFW
Now on to the blog post of this week…dust off your stationary bike to read this one!
Remember walking into English class every Monday in high school? Mrs. Morrison had written a prompt on the dusty black chalkboard. She called it a writing exercise.
Now on to the blog post of this week…dust off your stationary bike to read this one!
Remember walking into English class every Monday in high school? Mrs. Morrison had written a prompt on the dusty black chalkboard. She called it a writing exercise.
I have said this before: Good writers become better writers
when they write, just as good runners become better runners when they run.
Talking about writing isn’t enough. Do it. Get started every Monday with an
exercise that would make Mrs. Morrison proud.
I keep a list of exercises by me. Sometimes if I am
struggling with a writing project, I will turn to one of those exercises to get
the creative juices flowing.
Stretch and
Like any good exercise program, start with a few stretches.
Get out of your comfort zone to add flexibility to your writing muscles. For
example, I agreed to write an article for a home health journal. Trust me, this
was totally out of my comfort zone.
The article was to inform home health aides about medicines
their clients may be taking while in Hospice care. I had to research the
medicines and I had to research my audience. I used the freelance writing
assignment as an exercise in researching and writing.

As I am crafting my third novel, I am intentional about
creating a Home Health Aide to help Karen’s mom in the story. The simple
challenge to take on that first assignment and strengthen my writing has
continued to be of benefit to me.
You would never write a children’s book? Then stretch
yourself by writing a children’s devotion based on your Bible reading for that
day. Learning how to communicate to a different audience will strengthen your
writing skills. Being able to share God’s word to a variety of audiences will
strengthen your witness.
I’m sure you will be able to come up with exercises of your
own. If not, look for prompts elsewhere. I took the list of proposed topics for
Chicken Soup for the Soul and decided on a few for which I had personal
experiences to share. I used the prompts as exercises to practice my writing.
Two of those stories were subsequently accepted and published.
Aerobics for Your Pen

Want to engage in a bit of aerobics for your pen? Try
completing a free writing exercise. This is when you write for five or ten
minutes without stopping to read, revise, or edit what you are putting down on
paper. You will be surprised at the bold, courageous words you craft in a free
write. Somehow, being released to write without fear of editing also releases
you to pour out your innermost thoughts.
Another way to bump up the aerobics for your pen is to bump
up your word count goal. If writing 500 words in a day starts to feel easy, set
a new goal to write 750-1000 words a day.
Strength Training
Do writing exercises really require strength training? You
bet. The strength for a writer is in the power of the words you use. There are
many ways to achieve maximum strength for your words. Here are a couple of
1. Build your vocabulary. No, I am
not suggesting you do crossword puzzles or play word games even though I know
these work in building your vocabulary. I’m thinking in terms of using a
thesaurus. How many different words could you use to convey your message? And
try this one for real word power: Use fewer words to convey your message.
2. Hone your self-editing skills.
You may want to subscribe to a blog about writing and editing. For example, I
have found the short posts on A Little Red Inc. provide great reminders of
common editing issues I should watch. (
Cool Down
Read something inspiring. (Dare I suggest a
sweet little novel called Breathing on Her Own?)
Post inspiring pictures on your computer or by
your desk.
Get up and take a short walk.
Note: Do not use your social media as a cool down. It
doesn’t work. Your cool down needs to inspire you and allow you to think.
Social media will distract you. There is a time for Facebook or Twitter or whatever you use when you are not writing.
Social media will distract you. There is a time for Facebook or Twitter or whatever you use when you are not writing.
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