Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A Revisit to "RESET"

 A Revisit to “RESET”


Every year I choose a word for the year. I know many people who do this and it is always interesting to see how it plays out in our lives. Generally, in June or July I try to revisit the word and assess how it is working out for me at that point in time. Here it is August and I am only now getting to that place of self-evaluation.


My word for 2022 is RESET. (You can read the original post HERE.


The word had implications of changing, adapting, adjusting, revising, or redesigning my life. I wasn’t sure how I felt about doing that. I was happy. I wasn’t accomplishing all I want to do, but I wasn’t living with regrets, either. 


One thing I wasn’t doing was getting the books in my head down on paper. Or a disk. Or whatever. Oh, I finished a manuscript and sent it off. The publisher was interested but the book needed work. REVISING. Hmmm… I started the task, but started down a rabbit hole that took me through February and into March. And COVID.


The bottom line? For choosing to “Reset,” I wasn’t doing much in that direction. I certainly wasn’t doing the writing I expected of myself. I figured it would come in time. 


Then that word stared me down one day as I sat at my desk. 




“How can I press the reset button on my writing?”


I pulled out the ad for the Write-to-Publish Conference in Wheaton, Illinois I had tucked in my calendar. I registered.


I researched the classes and teachers. I read their books. I read their blogs.


And… I re-engaged in writing daily. I set a word count goal for each day.


I finished a sweet romance novel. 

I edited a book I wrote earlier.

I spent hours on the revision of my romantic suspense novel. (More to come.)

I’ve started a split-time short story for an anthology.


The RESET button for my writing has definitely engaged.


But “RESET” has come to mean more to me. 


It has been the opportunity to reevaluate other areas of my life:


RESET means setting aside my agenda to help a friend move.

RESET means overlooking an offense.

RESET means trying something new.

RESET means getting the rest I need.


RESET means taking stock of the many blessings God has poured over me. 


How are you doing with your word for the year?

A New Day...
A New Beginning



  1. Hi. Great post! I can relate. I am glad you posted. Maybe God is using your post to speak to me. Thank you. God bless.

  2. So glad it was meaningful to you! Thank you for sharing and I am whispering a prayer at this moment for God to guide you in your next steps.


Leave your comments here. I look forward to hearing from you.