Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Fun, Full, Fantastic February

 Fun, Full, Fantastic, February


I don’t know about you, but typically, I dread February. 


It may be the shortest month of the year, but with long dark days, colder weather, and twenty Valentine movies I’ve watched way too many times, February seems to stretch itself out like a long desolate highway to nowhere.


The mood swing can become so prevalent it is often given a name. It may be referred to as “the winter blues,” or “February mood swings.” Of course the serious cases are treated as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


Mood markers may include low energy, chronic fatigue, or even weight gain. Okay, that could define any number of disorders, but suffice it to say with limited sunshine, I dread February.


Usually. But…not so much this year. 


We had a crazy, cold, bring-everything-to-a-halt snowfall the first week of the month, but other than those two or three days of cold, the sun is shining and so is my mood.


Sun and light are major components of good mental health. But there is more.


1) I haven’t had to miss a single Tuesday morning Bible study yet due to the weather. Getting together with that small group is energizing. We’re looking into the lives of people identified in the Book of Acts. It seems they are an ordinary bunch with a strong desire to share what they’ve learned about Jesus with others. Not so different from us.


The Groundhog Dance was great!

2) On the fifth of February, a friend took me out for dinner and to a “Groundhog Dance” at his club. The music was provided by a fun band called Mad River. We snacked, and danced, and met a few new people.


3) This past week I “traveled” the Baltic Sea with a friend via the Armchair Series sponsored by our community trustees. The presenter took some great photos on his cruise. He threw in a bit of humor and the warm, soft oatmeal cookies were a big hit.


4) I belong to a pinochle group and play some euchre at the community center.


5) My youngest daughter and I met up one day with my mom for lunch. 


I cheered as hard as I could!

6) Of course the highlight of February in my neck of the woods was watching our home team in the Super Bowl. The Cincinnati Bengals may not have won, but they demonstrated to everyone they deserved to be there. It seemed the whole city was painted orange and black. (So much better than the gray of February.)


And next week? My mom, daughter, and I are going to the Broadway production of My Fair Lady at the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati. 


“The rine in spine lies minely on the pline.” 


That’s the inscription on the umbrellas Allison gave us by way of an invitation to the theater.


On a side note: All of my daughters understand the value of giving experiences over sweaters at for Christmas! And I’m the beneficiary!


What wonderful experiences are you claiming for this month?







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